The advantages of Lithium forklift based on 2023’s price

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The advantages of Lithium forklift based on 2023’s price ! The standard working time about li-ion forklifts is about 6 hours of non-stop operation, and charging time is about 2 h. But in practice, customers usually do not use it continuously. So it is generally enough to charge 2-3 times a day. In addition, li-ion battery can be charged during workers’ shift change time or work gap.

The advantages of Lithium forklift based

No Required forklift Capacity Qts. Units Working time recommend Model
1 Battey Counter Balance or Li-ion 2 tons 3 18 -20 h CPD20L1-S(48V360A)
2 Diesel 2.5 tons 9 18 -20 h CPCD25T8
3 Battey Counter Balance or Li-ion 2.5 tons 1 18 -20 h EFL253(80V410A) or EFX252 (80V150A with additional battery)
4 Diesel 5 tons 1 18 -20 h CPCD50T8-X
5 Battey Counter Balance or Li-ion 5 tons 1 18 -20 h CPD50F8(80V700A) Gross (Station 1)

Since customers have high requirements for working hours, we can make the comparison as below:

Supposing that customer needs to work 18 hours continuously and uninterrupted,300 days a year, One unit Diesel fuel consumption is about 4 liters/hour, based on $1.1/liter. so the annual cost of oil is 18*300*4*1.1=usd23760; One unit lithium forklift consumes 3 kw of electricity in one hour based on $0.15/kw, so the annual electricity bill is 18*300*3*0.15=usd2430; The maintenance interval of Diesel forklift is 400 hours, and the single maintenance fee based on $400, the maintenance cost per one working hour is 400/400=$1, so the maintenance charge per year is 18*300*1=usd5400; lithium battery is maintenance free, so if customer choose lithium forklift, they can save $26760 (usd23760-usd2430+usd5400) a yesr.

The advantages of Lithium forklift based on 2023's price
The advantages of Lithium forklift based on 2023’s price